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Fall Bubble Bootcamp (Fall 2024)
Type description here...
The assessment tasks will give you a chance to use Bubble a little and see if you are comfortable learning it. Follow each step of the instructions and when you have completed it, check the box to turn it into a flag.
0 / 7 requirements met
Create a Bubble account
Go to  https://bubble.ioand create a new account on their website.
Watch the Tutorial: how to create your first app
Watch this video to learn how to create your first "Hello World!" app in Bubble:
image for site
Create a new app in your Bubble account
Add the text "Hello World!" to your app
Input the URL from your editor
Copy the URL of your editor and paste it into the box below. It will look similar to this:
Input the URL of your web app in preview mode
Copy the URL from your web app on the window where you are previewing it and paste it into the box below.
The link will look similar to this:
Input the code from Week 1
Please input the code word you received in class to prove you attended week 1!
Class Set Up
To participate in this class, you'll need to know how to use Slack, Zoom, and of course, your web browser.
It's also important that we have your name and your photo consistent across the various channels of communication.
0 / 5 requirements met
Join the Slack Workspace
Join the Refcode Slack workspace using this link:

You may remain a member of this community for life. We hope you'll connect with friends, ask technical questions, and support each other using this chat group.
Get your portrait taken
Have your portrait taken in front of the Refcode banner.
Upload your portrait to your Slack photo
Decide what name you will go by
Everyone goes by different names in different contexts. The instructor goes by "Brenton Strine in a professional context. At home, he goes by "Dada." And friends he knew in elementary school call him "Brent."
Many immigrants have different versions of their names due to adjusting to make it easier for Americans to pronounce, or mismatch between the expected order of surname, given name, and family name.

In a professional context, it's very important to always use thesame name. If you use different names, then you may have a hard time building professional network, and you may miss job opportunities due to confusion around who you are.

Refcode is the beginning of your professional journey, so please choose the name that you'll use in a professional context, and stick to it from now on.

Input the name you will go by in the box below.
Ensure that Refcode and Slack both use the same name
Ensure that your profile is the same between Slack and
Gregory John Course
This video series created by Bubble and Gregory John is a complete course that will give you detailed information about all of the parts of Bubble you need to know about. You will have 1-2 hours of videos from this course assigned per week.
0 / 8 requirements met
These exercises will test a number of skills
0 / 5 requirements met
Hamburger Expander
OverviewIn this exercise, you will build a page that allows you to expand a hamburger by clicking on it.

  1. Show the collapsed burger at the center of the page.
  2. When the user clicks on the burger, they see an expanded burger.
  3. When the user clicks on the expanded burger, they see the collapsed burger again.
  4. Use a fixed aspect ratio to ensure the images are not stretched.

Image Assets (for download)

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Building a Hamburger Expander 🍔 - Watch Video
image for site

Solution Bubble Editor

Paste the link to your completed exercise (preview mode) in the box below
Hungry Monsters
OverviewLet's create two hungry monsters - one likes to eat healthy and the other does not like vegetables.

  • The setup involves a layout with three columns: one for emojis, another featuring a purple monster, and a third with an orange monster.
  • An option includes the states of the mouth which is linked to a state on the index.
  • Monsters default to closed mouths and cycle through mouth states by adjusting the middle image height.
  • Monsters react with different mouth states depending on the food item clicked.

  • To get the emoji keyboard: Windows + Period (Mac: Control + Command + Space).

Image Assets (for download)
Orange Monster Top
Orange Monster Middle
Orange Monster Bottom
Purple Monster Top
Purple Monster Middle
Purple Monster Bottom

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Solution Bubble Editor

Paste the link to your completed exercise (preview mode) in the box below
Boxes - The One Red Box
Create a 10x10 grid of boxes using theList of Numberselement (in theToolboxplugin).
Set it up so that when you click on a box in the grid, that cell turns red. There should only be one red block at a time.

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OPTIONAL: For an extra challenge, try to move the box left/right/up/down using buttons.

Solution Bubble Editor

When you're done, copy the path to your app (in preview mode) and paste it in the box below:
Pixel Perfect
Build the layout exactly as it's built in the example.
0 / 7 requirements met
Pixel Perfect
OverviewBuild the components of the reference page exactly, to the pixel.

  • The boxes are 100px square, with 20px margins.
  • Boxes have a 1px wide dashed border colored #000000
  • The blue box has color #14d4fa
  • The green box has color #aafa14
  • The orange box has color #fabd14
  • The boxes are in a row, and "wrap" when the page size changes

  • Start by building your first box, then copy and paste it.
  • Once you have the 3 colored boxes, copy and paste all three.

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Reference Page

Solution Video
Dynamic Box Creation 🎨 - Watch Video
image for site

Solution Bubble Editor

Paste the link to your exercise (in Preview mode) in the box below.
Search Countries
OverviewCreate an app that searches through countries.

  • This app will consist of a search box (top) and a repeating group (bottom).
  • You'll need to create a data type called "Countries" and create several countries in the database with the name and flag emoji.
  • When you type a country's name in the search box, it will search through the repeating group and display the corresponding results.

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Reference Page

Solution Video
Building a Country Search Feature - Watch Video
image for site

Solution Bubble Editor

Paste the link to your completed exercise (preview mode) in the box below
AirBnb Calculator (Optional)
OverviewBuild an AirBnB calculator that displays your potential earnings.

  • This app will use a slider input to allow you to choose the number of nights. There will be a minimum and maximum number of days.
  • You'll set a fixed rate per night (ex: $150).
  • You'll calculate the total cost by multiplying the number of nights by this rate, and display the result in your app.

  • If you want to change the color of only one or a few words inside a text element, you can apply a BBCode tag around them. It looks like this:

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Reference Page

Paste the link to your completed exercise (preview mode) in the box below
Layout Practice
Build the layout exactly as it's built in the example.
0 / 6 requirements met
Layout Practice 1
Build a two-column layout, with each column taking up an equal portion of the screen.
Reference page

image for site
Solution - Columns - Watch Video
image for site
Grid Layout
Build a grid displaying numbers and has spacing around it
image for site

Reference Page

The grid needs to be 3 columns and any number of rows. The grid needs to display data from the database. Set a datatype calledNumberand a field calledvalueand create some data in your database which will be used for your grid.

Get a quick overview of databases to help you in your exercise
Understanding Databases in Bubble - Watch Video
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Solution - Grid - Watch Video
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Solution Bubble Editor

Paste the link to your completed exercise (preview mode) in the box below
Card Layout
image for site
Reference Page

Solution Video

Solution Bubble Editor

Paste the link to your completed exercise (preview mode) in the box below
Final Project
The final project is required for graduation.
0 / 1 requirements met
Build Your Portfolio
Paste the link to the "preview mode" of your Portfolio website in the box below.
Brenton Strine