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Refcode Bubble Self-Paced Course
Welcome to the Bubble Bootcamp! This is an online course which you can complete at your own pace on your computer at home, or wherever you are!
Below you will find a list of requirements for this course. Please complete each item, and when you are done, click the box next to that item to indicate that you have completed it.

I estimate that this course should take 20 to 40 hours of work to complete.
0 / 1 requirements met
Enroll in this course
In order to keep track of which items you have completed, please click the "Enroll" button to enroll in this course. Then you can mark items as complete as you finish them.
Get set up in the class
0 / 3 requirements met
Join the Refcode Slack Workspace
We will use Slack for communication in this bootcamp. Join using this link:
Join the #bubble channel
Join the #bubble channel in Slack!
Send intro video via Slack
Use the Slack video feature to record a 5 minute (or less) video of yourself and send it to the Slack#bubblechannel.
  • Introduce yourself
  • What your background in technology is
  • Why you’re taking this course
  • What will you build once you know Bubble?
Project 1: Hello World!
This is your first project, and it's designed to be as simple as possible.
The video should give you all the information you need to complete this project.  After you watch the video, make sure you meet each of the requirements in this category before moving on.

CREDIT: A link to your project.
0 / 6 requirements met
0 / 1 credits granted
Create your Bubble account
Create an account at, as shown in the video.
Overview Video: Project 1
This video will introduce you to Bubble and give you all the information you need to complete your first project.
image for site
(3.5 mins)
Create a new Bubble app
Create the app in Bubble, as shown in the video.
Add a text field
Add a text field that says "Hello world!"
Play around a bit.
The best way to learn is to play. Get to know the Bubble editor by playing around a little bit and experimenting with things.
Don't worry about breaking anything since you'll be throwing this app away later.
Share a link to the group on Slack
Share a link to the app that you created on Slack!
Bubble Intro Videos
Bubble has a lot of extremely helpful intro videos built right in! You can use these to learn the basics.
0 / 8 requirements met
Overview Video: Bubble intro videos
Video: Application Editor Walkthrough
Video: Designing and Interface
Interactive Lessons
For this section, you will complete lessons directly in the Bubble editor. Each lesson will guide you through the steps to perform some actions.
Start by visiting this page:

CREDIT: Link to application.
0 / 15 requirements met
0 / 1 credits granted
Overview Video: Intro to Interactive Lessons Section
Video: Tip for the Interactive Lessons
Optionaltip for the Interactive Lessons
image for site
Saving data
Saving data Save addresses and display them on a map
4 minutes
Project 2: Add some simple features to your app
Practice a few design patterns that are common in Bubble.
CREDIT: Link to application.
0 / 8 requirements met
0 / 1 credits granted
Build an Item Detail page in your To Do List
Make a new page with "Todo" type of content
Make a new page, and set theType of contentof that page to beTodo
Add links to your list of tasks
In your Repeating Group list of tasks, add a link to the task detail page that you created.
Make sure that this link sends the correct data by settingData to sendto theCurrent Cell's Todo
Project 3: Add a sign-in feature to your app
The last step of the interactive lessons was to create a Todo list. Now we need users to be able to sign in, so that different users can create different To Do lists.
Remember that you will likely need to get help in order to complete this section.
0 / 7 requirements met
0 / 1 credits granted
Overview Video: Project 3
Find a YouTube video teaching how to create a user's account in Bubble
The first feature we'll add is the ability for your website users to create an account. But before we do that, we need to learnhowto do that. For this assignment, go tohttps://youtube.comand search for a video that will show you how to let users create an account in Bubble. Once you've found the video, post a link to it in our Slack channel.
Add the ability for users to create an account
Now that you've found a video, and possibly seen some videos that others have posted as well, go ahead and build out the feature! If you need help, ask on Slack!
Deep Dives
These videos will dive a little deeper into various Bubble development areas.
0 / 3 requirements met
The Database
A video to explain how to write to the database and why it's called a "table" sometimes.
image for site
18m 35s
Watch this video:
image for site
Broken Link
Bubble Crash Course
This is an incredibly comprehensive survey of the features of Bubble. Soon you'll be intimately familiar with every single topic in this video. It's a 3 hour video but worth every second. Make sure you watch the whole thing!
0 / 1 requirements met
Watch Video Bubble Crash Course for Beginners (2022) (3 hrs)
This is a 3 hour long video!

Here are the sections:

Closing remarks -3:04:49
Project 4: User Chat
Building a chat feature is actually very similar to building a to do list. Your goal is to make a web page where users who are logged into your app can send messages to each other.
0 / 11 requirements met
Overview Video: Project 4
This video will walk you through all the steps for creating a chat page.
image for site
(3.5 mins)
Create new page
Create a new page in your Todo app called "Chat"
Create the Message Data Type
Create a new Data Type (a.k.a. database table) namedMessage. This will be the data type that we store chat messages in.
Project 5: Cat Market
For your final project you will build a two-sided marketplace. This is a very common type of website. Examples include Airbnb, Amazon, Uber, Thumbtack, and more. What makes it two sided is that users can put things into the marketplace, and they can also shop for them.
Your marketplace will be for trading pictures of cats. Any user will be able to list a new cat picture in the marketplace, and any other user will be able to "buy" it.

Each user profile will show a list of the cat pictures that the user owns.

To complete this project, you'll need all of the following:
  1. Log In / Create Account pages. Users can create accounts and log in.
  2. Cat Creator. A page where a user can upload a picture of a cat and create a new tradeable cat.
  3. Marketplace. A page where users can browse all Cats that are available to get.
  4. User Profile. A page which shows all of the Cats that a user owns.
  5. Inventory Management. When a user views their own profile, they should be able to click a button to make a cat "available" or "unavailable."
0 / 5 requirements met
Log In / Create Account pages
Users can create accounts and log in. (Try to complete this on your own but if you get stuck you can watchthis.)
Make a "Cat Creator" feature
Build a page or section where a user can upload a picture of a cat and create a new tradeable cat.(Try to complete this on your own but if you get stuck you can watchthis.)
Build the Inventory Management feature
When a user views their own profile, they should be able to click a button to make a cat "available" or "unavailable."
Brenton Strine